Summer – flowers in the park, squirrels running round
Trying to find any nuts left on the ground.
Nature is so beautiful
by: Anne Bronte (1820-1849)
'LL rest me in this sheltered bower,
And look upon the clear blue sky
That smiles upon me through the trees,
Which stand so thick clustering by;
And view their green and glossy leaves,
All glistening in the sunshine fair;
And list the rustling of their boughs,
So softly whispering through the air.
And while my ear drinks in the sound,
My winged soul shall fly away;
Reviewing lone departed years
As one mild, beaming, autumn day;
And soaring on to future scenes,
Like hills and woods, and valleys green,
All basking in the summer's sun,
But distant still, and dimly seen.
Oh, list! 'tis summer's very breath
That gently shakes the rustling trees--
But look! the snow is on the ground--
How can I think of scenes like these?
'Tis but the FROST that clears the air,
And gives the sky that lovely blue;
They're smiling in a WINTER'S sun,
Those evergreens of sombre hue.
And winter's chill is on my heart--
How can I dream of future bliss?
How can my spirit soar away,
Confined by such a chain as this?
Sunset has created golden orange Sky to muse over;
I wonder at the beauty of Nature as never before!
It is wonderful to look at the splendour for hours on;
Such a beauty leaves one ever in spell bound state!
After darkness engulfs everywhere Stars switch on
Creating a beauty of heaven that cools down mind;
Gives relaxation that nothing can give better then;
Time passes without notice and i have to hurry home!
At night sleep even in dreams such scenes give fun
Making one forget everything of world matters then!
The spell of Nature has such a power no one avoid
If one lives in harmony with Nature for better in life!
I wonder if there is any other thing can replace Nature;
I wonder at the beauty of Nature as never before!
It is wonderful to look at the splendour for hours on;
Such a beauty leaves one ever in spell bound state!
After darkness engulfs everywhere Stars switch on
Creating a beauty of heaven that cools down mind;
Gives relaxation that nothing can give better then;
Time passes without notice and i have to hurry home!
At night sleep even in dreams such scenes give fun
Making one forget everything of world matters then!
The spell of Nature has such a power no one avoid
If one lives in harmony with Nature for better in life!
I wonder if there is any other thing can replace Nature;
Moon and Stars shining so bright
At night, Darkness bears no fright.
On the Beach, the Ocean gently roars
Meditating with it, our spirit soars.
Nature, school of the greatest wisdom
1. To young people
What does word education
mean? Shouldn t the teachers
ask themselves why they
educate and why are students
being educated? Is the
purpose of going to school to
learn different subjects, pass
exams, compete with others
for better grades, in short, a
preparation for earning for living?
2. Understanding life and nature
It is far more important to achieve the
understanding of life and nature than
to become a good physicist or a
chemist. Life does not mean only
having a job, a profession, it is much
more: life means the poor and the rich,
life is constant struggle between
nations and religions, life means birds,
flowers, rivers full of fish, life is sky,
and earth. Therefore education has no
meaning if it does not help us
understand life and nature in all its
aspects, with all its beauty and pain.
Quotations about nature, from The Quote Garden. ... And how should a beautiful, ignorant stream of water know it heads for an early release - out across the ...

Nature Wallpaper.This web provides free nature wallpaper pictures for your computer desktop. This free computer wallpaper features bird, flower, wildlife, landscape, ...
Whether one is watching a thrilling thunderstorm or looking up at a mighty tree, the experience of nature is one of awe.
One cannot help but marvel at the intricate design of a single leaf, or the roar of a great waterfall. Time spent in nature is time spent realizing that you don't know it all and that you never will.
A great place for a family to relate to each other is in the beauty of nature. Petty arguments and grudges fall to the wayside in the face of nature's majesty. The earth is meant to be enjoyed by its inhabitants. That includes keeping it in the pristine condition in which it was discovered. Everyone has a part of the earth that they relate to the most. Whether it is a majestic mountain range, a roaring waterfall, a bouquet of flowers, or the calm of the woods, these are places to get to know oneself and build bonds with family.
Nature is mighty
Nature is strong
Nature is usually always right
Nature is rarely ever wrong
Nature is beauty
Nature is moody
Nature is smart
Nature always has the greater part
Nature is blue
Nature is green
Nature is every color possibly seen
Nature is true
Nature is beaming
Nature is dreaming
Nature is in every place
Nature is always with grace
Nature is true
Nature is you
Nature is me
Nature will forever be free.
Nature is strong
Nature is usually always right
Nature is rarely ever wrong
Nature is beauty
Nature is moody
Nature is smart
Nature always has the greater part
Nature is blue
Nature is green
Nature is every color possibly seen
Nature is true
Nature is beaming
Nature is dreaming
Nature is in every place
Nature is always with grace
Nature is true
Nature is you
Nature is me
Nature will forever be free.
Ocean Poem
I am inspired by the vast salty ocean that is filled with stories and adventures. I wrote this poem letting my imagination run wild, imagining the broad ocean.
Tales Of The Ocean
© James Dunn
The ocean, of deep blue mysteries,
Sways in a crushing pool of wonder and histories.
Full of life, larger than small,
The fish swim together, one and all.
It stretches further than the eye can see,
The ocean is entirely free.
Waves that crash on the rocky outcrop,
They will never not move, they will never not stop.
The Ocean gleams off the bright sunset,
Sharks that lurk beneath, propose a threat.
Seaweed dangles beneath the broad sea,
Seagulls sway above flying in a spree.
Lifeguards rest on the shore ahead,
Crisp sea air blows against their head.
Dolphins, Squids, Seals and more,
Wait until you hear the whale’s mighty roar.
I love the ocean; it’s beautiful to me,
I just hope you see the same, I plea.
Sways in a crushing pool of wonder and histories.
Full of life, larger than small,
The fish swim together, one and all.
It stretches further than the eye can see,
The ocean is entirely free.
Waves that crash on the rocky outcrop,
They will never not move, they will never not stop.
The Ocean gleams off the bright sunset,
Sharks that lurk beneath, propose a threat.
Seaweed dangles beneath the broad sea,
Seagulls sway above flying in a spree.
Lifeguards rest on the shore ahead,
Crisp sea air blows against their head.
Dolphins, Squids, Seals and more,
Wait until you hear the whale’s mighty roar.
I love the ocean; it’s beautiful to me,
I just hope you see the same, I plea.
There are several ways to instill a love of nature in the younger generation. One of the more successful methods, with clear and fast results, is to ...
Sathya Sai Baba often says that nature is the best teacher. He never says better than what (one may presume even this is better than his own vaporous and ...

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